Principal Officers
The principal officers of Town Planners Registration Council of Nigeria are as follows:
- President
- Vice President
- Committee Heads
- Registrar
- Past Presidents
Council Committee
The TOPREC constituted committees to enable it achieve its mandate. The Committees so constituted as follows:
- 1. Disciplinary Committee
- 2. Investigative Panel
- 3. Visitation and Accreditation Committee
- 4. Professional Practice Examinations Committee
- 5. Membership Registration Committee
- 6. Publication and Publicity Committee
- 7. Professional Monitoring Committee
- 8. Finance and General Purpose Committee
The Committees members, apart from carrying out functions relating to their sections also, initiate directional policies which are approved by Council, and then implementation by the Secretariat.
The TOPREC secretariat is headed by the President of Council while the Registrar serves as the Chief Operating and Accounting Officer, as well as the Secretary to Council. He oversees the day to day running of the secretariat and is charged by the Law to ensure its operation (Section 5 (1)
Statutory Responsibilities
The general duties of TOPREC among others include;
- Determining who are town planners for the purposes of the Law
- Determining what standards of knowledge and skills are to be attained by persons seeking to become members of the professional of town planning, and reviewing those standards from time to time as circumstances may require.
- Securing, in attendance to the Law, the establishment and maintenance of a Register of persons entitled to practice the profession and its publication from time to time.
- Regulating and controlling the practice of the profession in all its aspects and ramifications.
- Maintaining, in accordance with the Law, appropriate conduct, discipline and order within the profession.
- Performing such other functions which in its opinion are calculated to facilitate the carrying on of its activities under the enabling Law.
Functions and General Duties.
The general duties of TOPREC among others include:
- Determining who are town planners for the purposes of the Law
- Determining what standards of knowledge and skills are to be attained by persons seeking to become members of the professional of town planning, and reviewing those standards from time to time as circumstances may require.
- Securing, in attendance to the Law, the establishment and maintenance of a Register of persons entitled to practice the profession and its publication from time to time.
- Regulating and controlling the practice of the profession in all its aspects and ramifications.
- Maintaining, in accordance with the Law, appropriate conduct, discipline and order within the profession.
- Performing such other functions which in its opinion are calculated to facilitate the carrying on of its activities under the enabling Law.
Training and Registration
Town Planning (Urban and Regional Planning) training is in two parts – Educational and Professional. For people interested in town planning as a career, they must first acquire a post-primary education and qualification with credits in such subjects as Mathematics, English Language, Pure and Social Sciences. Then, such people will proceed to obtain either a Degree or Professional Diploma in Town Planning from a University or Polytechnic.
In addition, some Polytechnics offer Professional Diploma programmes in Town Planning for those with Higher National Diploma, who are eligible to be registered as Technologists. On the other hand, where there is no opportunity to attend these institutions, planning education can be acquired through training on the job.
To facilitate this, the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP) in conjunction with the Town Planners Registration Council (TOPREC) conduct annually professional examination for this class of people.
- Only students that undergone recommended amelioration programme in these institutions were granted recognition to register with the NITP and TOPREC. Details are available at the TOPREC Secretariat.
- Inquiries of foreign institutions recognized / accredited could be obtained at the TOPREC Secretariat
- List of accredited institutions are published from time to time but as a matter of policy TOPREC do not grant reciprocal accreditations therefore applicant whose institutions were not accredited during periods of study must write appropriate examination on inquiry from TOPREC before such persons could legally be employed or practice the profession in Nigeria. 2014
Full Registration
An applicant desirous of registration with TOPREC shall be required to fulfill the following conditions:
Complete the prescribed application form after paying an application fee of ₦40,000.00 for professionals, ₦5,000.00 for technologists, and ₦3,000.00 for technicians or as may be specified by Council. For professional planning firms, application fee is ₦20,000.00 for Business Name, ₦30,000.00 for planning consultants and $1,000.00 for Foreign Firm.
Submit the completed application form and other requirements as may be prescribed in the respective forms or by the Council from time to time.
Sit for a prescribed one diet written Urban and Regional Planning examinations and oral interview that both test practice currency and proficiency for full professional membership registration.